SQLDay conference

Kaizen, or continuous improvement, requires moving beyond your comfort zone and continuously pushing yourself onwards. Although the momentum of this initiative is often difficult to sustain, this simple training method has helped me in so many ways. I’ve used it to prepare for triathlons and I have also been using it with great success in my professional life. Continuous improvement as a Data Engineer requires being open to new ideas, accepting new challenges, and exploring new prospects.

I'm a certified Data Scientist!

I’d like to congratulate myself on completing the Data Science track of the Microsoft Professional Program! Taking this opportunity - here is a story behind in a few important to me numbers: $650 total cost of Verified Certificates 71h of videos 63 labs £52 spent in Azure credit 25+ academic papers 10 courses 5 months in the making and 1 very happy data engineer that uses data science skills and applies machine learning to automate and optimise important aspects of professional and personal life!